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" /> Your Digestive System Explained (in Simple Terms)
Alternative Wellbeing

Your Digestive System Explained (in Simple Terms)

The stomach’s role in acidity

Hey guys, dr.Berg here in this video, I want todiscuss, probably one of the most important bodysystems, that you have it’s the digestive systemok.So you have 33 feet of intestines and that’s alike.You can mention a water hose in your backyardit’s, a very long hose and it’s all wrapped aroundand there’s a lot of things that happen from startto finish.So, let’s just time to take from the topyou’ve got the stomach here, which normally what’sinteresting about the stomach is that people don’trealize how acid the stomach should be if youunderstand pH neutral is 7 and it goes down tobe, more acid and higher to be more alkaline.Forevery number: let’s say we go from 7 to 6 goingdown, that’s 10 times more acid, so it it compoundsso.You can imagine a pH of 1 to 3 that is supersuper acidic.Okay, that’s what the stomach shouldbe normally and the stomach actually helps.Yourelease the stomach releases.

Anemia caused by a problem with the stomach valve

The acid triggersenzymes that then help you break down protein sothey have very powerful proto, lytic enzymes, soif there’s a problem with the valve on the topof, the stomach, then that enzyme gets up intothe esophagus.They can literally digest yourtissues up into your throat.So it’s that powerfulit helps you absorb minerals.So if you don’t havethe right acid, in your stomach, you can’t absorblike iron.You become anemic like even b12 willnot be absorbing either and that’s another typeof anemia.

The Relationship Between Your Stomach’s pH and Its Ability to Release Panc

It also kills microbes because microbeshave a hard time living in that acid and eithereven h, pylori, which is a very nasty bacteria, thatcauses ulcers and other issues.If your stomach isvery acidic, that thing will stay in a mission, ornot invade your tissues, but if the stomach is notasked enough, it will not release these to otherorgans called the pancreas and the gallbladder sowhat controls a pancreas in and the gallbladderis really the pH of the Stomach pH of that stomachalso controls the valve of the top of the stomachso.Without that stomach being acidic, you youcan get GERD acid reflux and then people takeany acids, which is the exact opposite but whathappens.If you, you can’t release the pancreasnow, we don’t, we don’t get the release of enzymesso.The pancreas has all these different enzymesfor carbohydrates, proteins, fats, collagen, you nameit, and it’s constantly released depending on whichyou eat, so signals from your mouth are tellingthe pancreas.

Your Digestive System: How Bile and Pancreas Work Together

What to release and what to createwhen?You start eating.So so we have this enzymebreakdown and then we have the gallbladder releasebile bile helps you break down fats, break down fatso.You can absorb fat side with vitamins, vitaminA D and K and then also help you.It helps youdetoxify certain chemicals in the liver, so withoutthe gallbladder.We can’t get that full detoxlet, these two work together and then the bile isalkalyn.So it helps to neutralize this incrediblystrong acid, coming into the small intestine, so ifwe didn’t have the bile.We couldn’t neutralizethat and you would get an ulcer in your smallintestine and then we have the pancreas that alsomakes this other alkaline fluid called bicarbonatethat helps neutralize the acid.At this point, tooso we go from a strong acid to a very alkalinefluid inside the small intestine.So the smallintestine is alkaline.Okay and it’s so funnywhen people say well.You need to be alkaline.

How Microbes Help You Digest

Wellwhat part of the body you’re talking about becauseyour stomach, better, not the alkaline, definitelythe small intestine should be alkaline, but thelarge intestine should be acidic, so you havedifferent PHS.So now, in the small intestine thisis, where 90 % of the digestion occurs and you havehelped, though you have microbes, you have a lot ofmicrobes.In fact, in your body, you have a thousandtrillion bacteria or microbes in your body, outsideand inside that’s a thousand trillion.That’S a lotyou only have a hundred trillion cells, so thesebacteria, or these microbes have are ten timesmore than your own self.So if you take a bodyit’s, mostly microbes so but they’re very smallso, you don’t there’s like probably about threeor four, maybe five pounds of microbes per bodyweight, but the microbes basically help you breakdown your food and help.So you can absorb the foodthere’s thousands.

Microbes Survive Antibiotic Treatment by Mimicking Vitamin D Recept

Tens of thousands of differentstrains of microbes in your gut, you have goodbacteria, and then you have bad bacteria they’recalled pathogenic.Now antibiotics destroy bothgood and bad bacteria.What’S happening now.Isthe bad bacteria is adapting to the antibioticsand they’re becoming more resistant.So now theantibiotics don’t work, but the good news isthis that the good bacteria also adapts to theantibiotics, if it didn’t you’d, be probably be deadby now, so your microbes are very intelligent.Andthey have developed new strategies of survivingso.If you take a let’s say, someone comes in yourhouse and they try to steal something and then youtake a bat and you whack them right.Well, the nexttime they come in their house, they’re they wear ahelmet, so these microbes basically have differentways of adapting to survive.One of the interestingstrategies, some of these microbes pulled off isthey, basically can mimic and adapt to your vitaminD receptors.

The Enteric Nervous System Supports the Absorption of Nut

They mimic the vitamin D receptor sowhen, your vitamin D goes into the wrong.Receptorit doesn’t work anymore, so it’s just as fascinatedbecause.You need vitamin D for the immune, systemso there’s all these different types of strategiesthat use, one type of micro adapted without acell wall, so they can move into the joints andthen they can travel and they can do this and theycan hide.So your immune system can’t detect themvery intelligent, sneaky little guys but thankgoodness that our good bacteria also adapt sowe have 90 % of the nutrient nutrition absorptionoccurs at this level with other another thingthat’s interesting about this.Is that youhave something called the enteric nervoussystem?

Digestion and Mood: The Second Brain

So you have the sympathetic which is aflight-or-fight, that’s like the stress nervoussystem, and then we have the parasympathetic whichis part of the rest and digest which controls alot of this that’s that’s kind of like theopposite of the stress nervous system, but thenyou have the enteric which controls Like all thisintestines and the peristalsis, the pumping actionof the whole thing, and if years someone cut yourspinal column, for example, you could this willstill work because it’s an independent nervoussystem it can work on its own.That’S what I callthe second brain, but the challenge is that alot of the information that happens down hereis transmitted up to the brain, so whatever’s goingon, your digestion, can affect your mood.You couldit could have create depression, anxiety and alot of tension in your neck and even a lot ofheadaches.

Microbes in Your Gut Help Your Mood

So it’s interesting how the digestioncan affect your mood and also your mood couldaffect your digestion both ways, because it’s asecond brain the bacteria also makes a lot of Bvitamins.So what happens when I see people withvitamin, B deficiencies?It’S not because they’renot consuming them is because they don’t havethe microbes or they they don’t have the gooddigestive system to absorb those vitamin Bover, those B vitamins or they they make thembut.They can’t get absorbed because the surfacelining of the intestines is damaged so I’ll, getto that in a little bit, but what these microbeseat or consume is fiber, preferably when we wantto feed them a vegetable fiber and they turn itinto something called butyrate, which is a type ofacid.That, then, will feed the colon cells so it’sit’s interesting.These microbes actually exchangewith us.We help them.They we provide a house andthey, give us food as well.

The Gut and Its Microbes: How They Affect Your Health

So that’s what happensin, the small intestine and the large intestine ismainly responsible for reabsorption of water andminerals, but this is where you have the highestconcentration of microbes.So without the microbeshere you’ll get diarrhea.Okay, the little littleroots that occur in a small intestine are calledlittle, villi, they’re upside down roots and that’swhere.It absorbs and you have like a millionbacteria per millimeter like a real small surfacearea.There’S a so many compacted microbes in therethat are supposed to help you absorb and writewhen it gets absorbed.It goes right into thelymphatic system, 80 % of your lymphatic system issurrounding your intestines, so 85 % of your immunesystem is really connected to your gut and it’sthere, and it’s kind of like immigration to givethese microbes, a stamp of approval or not approvalto, not let them through.So there’s a barrier therethat resists microbes that are unfriendly sowhen you destroy these little so-called villior little roots.

The Importance of Having a Healthy Flora in Your Digestive System

You get this small surface areawhere you!Now you can’t!You lose your immigrationso now.My unfriendly microbes can innervate andstart to go into the lymphatic system and createhealth for the immune system.That’S where you getautoimmune diseases, that’s where the immune systemyou know starts giving the wrong information andattacking, it’s not creating antibodies for yourown tissue.It’S like self attack, so you have alot of inflammatory conditions that originatedfrom this lining, that you lose the structureokay.So there’s a couple things that you cando number one you have to build up the flora andI think the best way is to take something: calledeffective, microbes, I’ll, put a link down; thereI’m, not affiliated.I don’t get any Commission’sor anything but I’ll put a link down there.Ofeffective microbes – and you can check it out – buteffective microbes – is the symbiotic, a group ofmicrobes that basically all live on each otherso.

How to Improve Your Immune System

They kind of work together and you want totake very, very, very small amounts, starting outbecause.If you have too many unfriendly, strainsyou can create a war, so you want to take themright before you go to bed and then they’ll growin your system over a period of time, so effectivemicrobes are very important and then to retrainyour immune system, your t-cells and start to Putback that immune system, I recommend somethingcalled, colostrum and again I’ll – put a link downthere below I’m not affiliated with any companiesbut.This is a really good thing, too.Your immunesystem and it’s really really good for rheumatoidarthritis, it’s good for inflammation.It’S good forautoimmune, it’s good for allergies!It’S reallygood for sinus mucus, it’s good for any type, ofinflammatory condition, but I will say when youtake this start off, taking very small amountsmaybe 1/4 of a teaspoon before bed.Why?Because ifyou don’t have a good immune system?

Introducing Glutamine to Improve Digestive Health

You’Re goingto stir up a hornet’s nest and you’re gon na getmore, mucus that it’s gon na kick in there.So youalways want to start very small over a gradualperiod of time to start introducing these 2things so, and I also recommend al glutamine. -Those three are really good to start buildingup the intestinal wall and then over time, you’llstart getting your immune system back; ok, so Ihope.That kind of gave you a summary of how thisdigestive system works and put your comments below

Read More: How to STOP Acid Reflux Instantly

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