Simple Health Exercises

Kegel Exercises for Men – Beginners Pelvic Floor Strengthening Guide

Kegel Exercises for Men – Beginners Pelvic Floor Physio Guide Here’s a quick question take a look at this image, is this a Kegel exercise for men? This is an exercise for the glutes or butt and this exercise will just waste your time if you’re trying to improve bladder control or overcome erectile dysfunction. Today we’re going to through the correct way to do exercises that won’t waste your time and will help you address ED and bladder dysfunction so let’s get started. I’ll be showing you a progression Kegel exercises program specifically for ED in an upcoming video so you may like to subscribe below to catch that video too. Today we’re going through 1.

Best Kegels position to start with 2. How to do Kegel exercises step by step3.

How many Kegels do you need to do 4? How long to see results Part 1. Best Kegels Position The best position to do your Kegel exercises when you’re starting is the one that you can best feel your pelvic floor muscles working.

This includes: Lying on your side with a pillow between your legs Lying on your back Sitting which is the position we’re going to start with today Part 2. How to do Kegels You need to know where your pelvic floor muscles are to do your Kegel exercises correctly. Your pelvic floor muscles are here between your legs. Looking from the same view you can see that some of these muscles wrap around the base of the penis (arrow to bulbospongiosus and circular muscle around the anus) and the anus. These muscles help you during sex and for bladder and bowel control Let’s start step by step activating the 3 important parts you need to train.

Sit tall sway from the back of the chair and lift your chest.

Step 1. Here’s the first step to doing your Kegels correctly. Try to shorten or withdraw your penis inwards towards your body – try it now where you’re sitting, can you feel that action? It’s a subtle small movement.

Try again – don’t worry your penis isn’t going to get shorter just try to think of this as a way of improving your control. If you hold your fingers at the base of your penis you may be able to feel the muscle that wraps around it contracting as your penis moves slightly inwards towards your body.

Step 2. Next, imagine you’re trying to stop or slow down the flow of urine and contract around the base of your penis and then relax. Now try to put steps 1 and 2 together.

Shorten your penis and try to stop the flow of urine. And now relax. Step 3. Here’s the final part, tighten your anus as if you’re stopping gas from passing this is the back part of your pelvic floor.

You should feel your anus tighten but your buttocks should stay relaxed.


Combine 3 Steps Let’s now put all 3 steps together – this is a correct kegel exercise. Set up by lengthening your spine to sit tallKeep the Inward curve in your lower back breath normally and now shorten your penis, stop the flow of urine and tighten your anus together all at once.

Can you keep your pelvic muscles contracted? Keep your belly relaxed deep breathing normally if you can hold this contraction for a couple more seconds and now let your pelvic floor muscles relax back to their resting position How did you go with that exercise? It can feel slow to switch the muscles on and difficult to keep holding when you’re starting out How do you know if you’re doing this exercise correctly?

Quick Tips This exercise feels subtle, don’t expect to feel a large contraction like flexing your biceps, the muscles you’re exercising are small.

Test your Kegels: -your penis moves slightly inwards towards your abdomen- your scrotum lifts slightly towards your body If you stand side on to a mirror you may be able to see your penis move inwards and your scrotum lift slightly towards your body you can test these muscles by stopping or slowing the flow of urine but do this as a test, not an exercise and only once a week Do these Kegels tips help you? Let me know in the comments below if you’re still not sure. How many Kegels? to get results.

This is listed in the description below for you to refer back to. Start out during weeks 1-2 doing gentle Kegel exercises. Just focus on getting your technique correct. Then as your technique improves it becomes important to contract your pelvic floor more strongly.

I’ll repeat that because it’s such an important point – you need to contract your PF muscle as strongly as you can using the correct technique Start with the number of exercises you can do for example if you can do 2 exercises in a row for 3 seconds, this is what you do to start.

Repeat this routine 3 times a day. Your ultimate goal for strengthening your pelvic floor muscles is to contract them for 10 seconds each time8 – 12 repeated exercises most days of the week.

How long for results? Some men notice improvements within a month of starting their exercises however it can take 5-6 months to fully strengthen pelvic floor muscles if they’re weak. Meanwhile, I really hope this information helps you get started with your kegel exercises and makes your life better.

Don’t forget to give this video the thumbs up if it’s been helpful. Your qns and comments are always most welcome, thank you for watching today, I’ll see you next time.

As found on YouTube

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