Simple Health Exercises

Scales Are For Fish Not Weight Loss

Weight Problem The Real Percentage

Scales Are For Fish Not Weight LossContrary to typical belief, your weight is not really the indicator of a weight problem- weight problem the real percentage – the real percentage of body fat is the true indicator. You have to understand exactly what percent of you is actually FAT. How are you going to monitor your weight-loss if you do unknown exactly what percent of your body is fat, prior to you start your program?

Let me provide you an example on determining body fat, this is important in understanding weight-loss, or need to I say FAT LOSS. This is in fact exactly what we are trying to lose? weight problem the real percentage FAT!

Lets say somebody weighs 200 pounds and when we measure their body fat we discover there body fat is 40%.
This implies that 40% of the members body is made of fat (80 pounds). The other 120 lbs is muscle, bones, organs, water, and so on (whatever however weight problem the real percentage fat).

Now any real weight-loss program must include some kind of strength training personalized to their personal abilities (Another reason you require someone who truly understands the whole body and how it works). Our bodies will burn more calories and therefore burn more FAT since if you can acquire some of that muscle mass that we lose with age!

Now it’s a few weeks into the program and this individual actions on the scale and they now weigh 198 lbs. They are a little dissatisfied due to the fact that they thought they were doing much better. Their clothes fit much better, they have more energy, and they are feeling much better.

They are still depressed due to the fact that they just lost a lousy 2 pounds! Are we sure? – We now check inspect body fat and it is now 36% not 40%. 200 lbs at 40% body fat means that 40% of them is fat, which equates to 80 lbs of FAT, and 120 lbs are muscles and everything else (called the lean body mass).

198 lbs at 36% body fat methods that 36% of them is fat which equates to 71 lbs of FAT, and 125 lbs of lean body mass.
This person actually lost 9 pounds of FAT (the stuff we are aiming to lose) and gained 5 pounds of lean body mass (mostly muscle mass, which is an advantage since this will enable their body to burn more calories!)…. weight problem the real percentage you have to measure and focus on PERCENT OF BODY FAT, AND NOT WEIGHT! Don’t worry, when your body fat goes down, as your body fat reductions so will the numbers on the scale!

Contrary to common belief, your weight is not actually the indication of a weight problem– the real percentage of body fat is the real indication. How are you going to monitor your weight loss if you do not understand exactly what percent of your body is fat, before you start your program? weight problem the real percentage let me provide you an example on measuring body fat, this is crucial in understanding weight loss, or need to I say FAT LOSS. Are we sure? We now check examine body fat and it is now 36% not 40%.

Weight Problem The Real Percentage

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