in this video, we’ll explore whether or not drinking your own urine will actually improve your health. hi ladies and gentlemen I’m doctor zorroski and welcome back to the channel now if you’re new to the channel it’s a pleasure to have you here be sure to subscribe hit that Bell notification and be sure to join our notification community that way can help you improve your health in this video we are doing an exploration video we’re exploring the topic about of drinking your own urine to improve your health and whether or not it can actually help now here’s the deal recently this is how this came about recently I saw a very popular news figure and live on camera he was drinking his own urine and he was supposedly doing it for the purposes of improving his own health. now I was pretty grossed out by it and then this topic has come across my desk multiple times since then so I wanted to explore it and who better to explore it with than you so let’s go ahead and talk about this now this is an actual therapy now this urine therapy is basically where you are yes drinking your own urine but also applying it topically onto your skin it’s known as urine therapy Euro-Asia and gyro therapy now let’s talk about where this came from how did this start now this isn’t anything new. it has its origins in Greece in Egypt, okay and according to the Journal of Clinical esthetics and dermatology, these different cultures consider it a wonder therapy okay it is still used today in countries like Asia South America Nigeria, and also in the Middle East. and so what we’re looking at here is of course people still using its today but also people who make claims that it really really helps here are some of the known uses once again you’re applying it topically for a lot of skin conditions rashes stings wounds stuffy nose acne cancer you know major claims here allergies infections seizures is used today for seizures in Nigeria and also for heart problems. okay now here’s the deal when I talk about these different topics I’m always talking from clinical experience I’ve done something with this before I’ve used this before I have nothing to offer in this case I’ve never done this and I really don’t plan on it and I don’t ever plan on using it in my clinic so if you want to explore more on this topic what you have to do is read a book on it and there’s a book that’s been popular for a long time. there are a lot of books on this topic but the most popular one it basically is the water of life and it’s written by John Armstrong who is a British naturopath okay so I have nothing really further to offer on this topic but what I’d love to really know is do you have any experience with this have you done it yourself do you know somebody who’s done it maybe do you plan or intend on doing it so put all that in the comment section below and also consider sharing this video with your friends. I’d appreciate that and give it a thumbs up also if you’d be so gracious subscribe to my channel I’d appreciate that and check out my other videos on how you can improve your health without drinking your own urine I’ll see you in the next video
Tags: drinking urine benefits, drinking urine for health, drinking urine for weight loss, drinking urine is good for health, drinking urine side effects, drinking urine survival, drinking your own urine, the water of life a treatise on urine therapy, the water of life by john armstrong, tim shieff, urine therapy for acne, urine therapy for eczema, urine therapy for hair growth, urine therapy hair regrowth, urine therapy snake diet, urophagia definition, urophagia health benefits
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2FeelGreat - All about my pursuit of health and fitness wellbeing over 50s dozens of new articles plus the latest trends to sustainability, health, videos,