Alternative Wellbeing

Shrink Your Enlarged Prostate

SimpleHealthInformation VideoQuotes So let’s discuss what’s behind an enlarged prostate that could potentially affect your urination now it is true that when men age their prostate actually does enlarge and take a look at where the prostate is located it’s a gland that wraps around this little tube that’s coming from your urinary bladder so as you increase the size of that prostate it’s going to shut down that tube and it’s going to affect your ability to urinate and so the doctor puts you on a certain medication like Flomax an antibiotic and maybe you’ll do some blood tests and then I’ll see you in six months but my question is what is causing the enlarged prostate.

If you take  a look at all of your hormones they can be classified really in two different categories  one category is called anabolic and the other category would be catabolic  now anabolic has everything to do with building something up and catabolic is breaking something  down so when you eat food you have this catabolic effect all these enzymes that  break down food into their basic building blocks amino acids fatty acids glucose etc  and then you have all the anabolic hormones that kick in and take these building blocks, and make body tissue out of them and so when the prostate enlarges it’s obvious that you have this  anabolic thing going on right if we take a look at all the anabolic hormones we have prolactin  which and maybe you’ve heard of prolactin with women in breastfeeding but men also have prolactin  and if the prolactin is too high it can definitely increase the size of the prostate  and then estrogen itself can increase the size of the prostate and estrogen also increases the  release of prolactin so then you have other hormones like dht which is a very powerful  form of testosterone and androgens cortisol growth hormone if number one which is kind  of the extension of growth hormone.

It’s made by the liver it’s stimulated by growth hormone definitely will increase the prostate and you have progesterone and insulin which is a very powerful anabolic hormone and so let’s take a look here what food or thing has the majority of these hormones that you might be consuming on regular basis milk is a very powerful anabolic substance that is turned into cheese yogurt kefir and milk contains the majority of these anabolic hormones and so if you have urination problems or your prostate is enlarged you need to get off milk and milk products 100 percent okay that’s number one.

Now number two is insulin what triggers insulin sugar a high carb diet so if your prostate is enlarged or you have urination problems you need to get off sugar and go on a ketogenic plan if you’re new to my channel I put a link down below and then we have estrogen okay so estrogen can come from many different sources soy is a big source of estrogen so if you’re consuming anything like soy milk or soy protein isolates as a protein and maybe a diet shake that you’re taking or you’re not consuming organic foods you just have commercial vegetables or commercial foods which have a lot of chemicals that mimic estrogen that could be one big factor that’s increasing the size of your prostate now a lot of times people take natural remedies for the prostate like salt palmetto and because salt palmetto inhibits a certain enzyme that is normally converting testosterone into a very powerful form of testosterone called DHT which can increase the prostate.

But here’s the problem if you’re taking salt palmetto on top of consuming a lot of milk products eating on sugar potentially consuming some soy it’s not going to work so I recommend cutting out the dairy get on a keto plan make sure you don’t consume anything that can stimulate estrogen in addition to that take some saw palmetto green tea is a great inhibitor of this enzyme, so are pumpkin seeds zinc and lycopene now lycopene also has some great research that can help shrink the prostate and that would be high in tomatoes so tomatoes would be a good food to consume if you have an enlarged prostate so if you’re going to tailor-make a diet to someone with an enlarged prostate not only healthy keto and intermittent fasting but I would also consume more cruciferous vegetables especially kale because that’s going to help balance your estrogen and even beats.

Hey before you go real quick I have a course entitled How to bulletproof  your immune system it’s a free course I want you to take it and here’s why  here’s you here is your environment everyone is focused on this over here avoiding  your environment but what about here what about strengthening your immune system  that’s what’s missing this course will show you how to bulletproof yourself and so you  can tolerate and resist your environment much better by strengthening your own immune system I put a link down in the description right down below check it out and get signed up today

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