Ketosis Ketogenic Diet Fasting
What do I do when I feel unfocused or overwhelmed? There are a few things. First, I have a short ketosis ketogenic diet fasting checklist. Am I eating enough all right, so it’s very fashionable with intermittent fasting to skip breakfast skip that meal skip another meal for myself. I’ve realized, unless I am in ketosis unless I’m on a ketogenic diet or fasting or have ketones in my blood, which is an alternate fuel to glucose, I need to eat and of course, you can supplement with exogenous ketones, but am I eating enough? If I skip breakfast and it’s 1 p.m. and I haven’t had lunch and I’m feeling unfocused or overwhelmed, I probably don’t need to sit there and journal on my existential dilemmas. I need to eat some macadamia nuts and maybe have some beans or salad or something like that. All right, it’s simple, simple, simple.
The second ketosis ketogenic diet fasting would be. Am I consuming too much caffeine, really simple for me if I’m feeling anxious overwhelmed very often, if I want to achieve a more zen-like state, there are at least two things I can do, and one is meditating twice a day which I like to do doesn’t always Happen to meditate twice a day and do all of these other things related to cultivating peace of mind? The second one is to stop consuming so much caffeine. Alright, real real, real, simple, then last are a few tactical and strategic questions and being overwhelmed and unfocused. I think are quite different things. Typically, sometimes they come along together. There are two questions, or I should say, two pairs or groups of questions that I use a lot. The first one is an 80/20 analysis and there are two questions as part of them, and I put this on paper always on paper, because I want to trap my thoughts on paper to see if they hold any weight, see if there’s any insight to see what Is ridiculous?
Maybe I have worries that once I put them down or really unfounded and kind of ludicrous. The first question is: what are the 20 % of activities or people that are producing 80 % or more of the results and positive emotional states that I want the positive emotional states part is really important all right, so you spend one or two pages on that. The second ketosis ketogenic diet fasting part is the opposite: what are the 20 % of activities, responsibilities or people that are producing 80 % or more of the pain, the headache, and the negative emotional states that I would prefer not to have to do another page or two and then the last question if you’re engaged with a specific project or relationship could be anything really, it’s very simple. What would this look like if it were easy, a thing if we type A personality we’ve competed in school, we’ve competed next, we’ve competed in y & z.
We are trained by ourselves to believe that, if we’re not redlining, if we’re not overcome with the effort that we’re not doing a good job, we’re not trying hard love – and I think that often leads us to seek complicated paths with many many moving pieces. So what would this look like if it were easy? So, for instance, if I’m having trouble with a book – and I have three months left to write it I’ll ask myself what would this look like if it were easy? What if I had to finish this book in a week, if I had a gun to my head or a gun to my dog’s head or Mohali, and I had to save Molly? What would I do all right? You have a week, that’s it period. How would you write this book and that carrot gets rid of a lot of fluff and I started saying all right: well, how can I use money instead of time to fix this problem? How could I ask other people for help instead of trying to do it?
All myself in this ketosis ketogenic diet fasting situation, what would this look like if it were easy and you can find a lot of gems that way and just expect 95 % of you write down, is going to potentially be ludicrous and you should come up with the absurd right. Don’T edit, when you’re putting stuff down but within that, you might find one or two things and you’re like that’s it now I can save 80 % of my headache 80 % of my angst, because I don’t have to do it the hard way and then you Can find an elegant solution that produces an even better product, even better outcome. So those are a few of the things that I regularly do when I’m feeling over well or unfocused or distracted, hey guys if you’re enjoying the tips and tactics and how-to on this channel or in the podcast, the Tim Ferriss show. I made this for you.
Try the mentor’s short advice from the best in the world. This is the book that I wanted to read. So I went out and I put it together, created a dream list, a hundred and thirty of the best at what they do. People who are icons, legends, and asked them all the same questions. These are people. In some cases I wanted to reach out to my whole life ranges from many many billionaires, cofounders of every company imaginable elite athletes, ranging from surfing to tennis, to powerlifting everything else, country, stars, actors, directors, and you can spot the pattern. So some of my friends have said this is the easiest to read a most useful book that I’ve put together yet so ketosis ketogenic diet fasting check out the tribe of mentors dot-com. You can find sample chapters of the whole list of mentors everything tribe, mentors, calm,