How To Improve Prostate Health
So Dr. Scholl’s last question is actually one of the most googled questions that I’ve seen in prostate cancer and that how basically patients want to know how do you reduce your risk of getting prostate cancer and I think that this is a not only a major topic for men themselves but for their sons and their family members and so I think that this is something on a bigger scale that we want to address right, yeah I mean the prostate cancer isn’t the scourge that it used to be now that people are diagnosing it earlier and the cure rates are excellent in men that are diagnosed at an early stage but the sensible approaches that reduce the risk for heart disease. How to improve prostate health
Dr.Mark Moy MD who’s done moderation a lot of our conferences over and over says that which is heart-healthy is prostate healthy so heart-healthy diets back in I can’t remember what the 60s or 70s a guy named dr. Pritikin came out and said that you can improve and reverse heart disease with low-fat diets and that was a shocking concept back then of course now it’s become very mainstream the same reality exists for prostate cancer and it’s not only true in terms of preventing prostate cancer and lowering the incidence of prostate cancer. How to improve prostate health
Staying away from you know meat and milk products things like that it’s also useful for men who already have cancer and want to inhibit its progression so the simplistic concept is don’t feed it and it won’t grow as well so vegetarian diets are the way to go in terms of reducing the risk of heart disease reducing the risk of prostate cancer reducing the risk of other cancers and also for preventing the progression of existing cancers. How to improve prostate health
Wow so that’s all just with the vegetarian diet and doesn’t matter what type of edge there’s a lot of different diets out there is it really just whatever cuts out you know animal protein and dairy I think that’s the best way to look at it there are certain refinements so when you look at the extreme vegetarian diets like the macrobiotic type diets they are their pretty radical people lose a lot of weight sometimes families get frightened by the intensity of these diets but they are certainly effective and not necessarily easy to implement but for those that are motivated and I think it’s a useful measure I think that’s a really important point because we at peace here I really agree with Dr.Mark Moy MD
How to improve prostate health you have to find a diet that you can stick to if it’s something you’re just torturing yourself over and you can’t don’t feel like you’re really living that’s really not were the way what we want you to go so it’s not a hard set if you can do a vegetarian diet that absolutely is best but you know to make sure you find something that is sustainable for you because your lifestyle and your quality of life is very important in this process and something really believe we want you to think about.
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