Senior Wellbeing

How To Get A Better Night’s Sleep Naturally/ Try These Tips Tonight!

Stephanie: Getting a good night’s sleep nowadays is really a challenge for many people. In today’s video, I’m going to share with you some of my top tips to help you sleep better and deal with insomnia. Stephanie: Hey everyone, this is Stephanie from Fast Track to Health Wellness Center. Welcome. Yes, I’m coming to you in my pajamas. Topic is sleep, so I figured why the heck not? Anyway, let’s get right into it and give me a like if you’re having trouble sleeping so I know. I see it everyday in my clinic, but I’m curious to know, are you guys having trouble? Here are my top tips. Stephanie: Number one, what’s the temperature in your bedroom? Our bodies are going to be a little bit more hot at nighttime, so we need the temperature in our bedroom to be a little bit cooler, so experiment with this.

Make your temperature setting a little bit lower than you normally would. Make sure that you’re covered with blankets. Getting the temperature correct can really resolve a lot of problems with sleep, so make it a little colder. Try to aim for like mid 60s to 70 degrees and see if that helps for you. Might even have to go a little bit lower than that. Stephanie: Another way to help with the temperature is to take either a hot shower or hot bath right before bed. Then, your temperature will cool off, well, you’ll get hot and then you’ll cool off very quickly.

Then, you’ll really notice the drop in the temperature more and you’ll be able to sleep better. That’s the first one, temperature changes. Okay? Stephanie: Next, if you’re going to be on a device like a phone or a TV or computer, try to start winding down about an hour before you go to sleep. The blue light from all of these devices enters our eyes and interferes with our sleep. Another thing you can do is turn on your device’s night mode or there’s plenty of apps out there now that will help adjust the light settings coming out on a laptop.

You can use something like f.lux. There’s plenty of other apps out there that’ll work for this, so make sure you’re avoiding the blue light. You can even get blue light glasses just to help you avoid getting so much blue light into your eyes. Stephanie: Okay. Next, everyone’s drinking coffee and tea and caffeinated drinks most of the day. However, if you’re having trouble sleeping, you may want to start limiting your caffeine by about 12 to 2:00 PM, somewhere in that range. You can have it in the morning. Later in the afternoon, it really might interfere with your sleep, so you may want to stop drinking anything caffeinated after that time. Stephanie: Okay. Next, getting exercise on a regular basis is also really helpful with your sleep. Make sure you’re getting in your workouts, because then your body will be able to rest better later that day. Stephanie: Okay, next tip. This one I really, really love.


If you have a hard time with winding down your mind, if your thoughts are racing at night when you’re laying there in bed, try getting a sound machine or a white noise machine. You could even use an app for this. Having some kind of whooshing sound in your environment will help drown out those thoughts that continue to keep you up at night. Like I said, you go on Amazon to get one of these sound machines. They’re not very expensive and they really make a big difference. I use this myself, and it totally helps me be able to sleep. Stephanie: Okay, so next, this is one of my all-time favorites. It’s an essential oil, lavender oil. I’m sure you’ve heard of lavender. It is very, very relaxing. There’s a couple of ways you can do it. You can add it to a diffuser and diffuse it throughout your room. You can just add a few drops directly onto your pillow case and then you will be inhaling it.

Or if you want to use it topically, you can put it on the bottom of your feet because that’s a way for it to get into your body. Lavender oil is very inexpensive. You could find it almost anywhere and it’s very helpful for relaxation. It’s one of my favorite, favorite things to help me relax before I go to bed. Stephanie: Okay, so next, you can also try drinking some type of sleepy time or herbal tea before bed that contains something relaxing like camomile and that kind of stuff. I mean this is kind of mild, but it does help with some people. It just helps you calm down a little bit and get prepared for bed.

Drinking a nice herbal sleepy type of tea before bed can also be useful. Stephanie: Now as far as supplements go, there’s so many that I can list here. The reason why you’re not sleeping or you’re having trouble can vary from person to person, so it’s too complicated to really give you a comprehensive list here. It’s best to work with somebody on this. In our clinic, we can help you with a customized protocol, find out why you’re not sleeping and get you on the right supplements for you. Stephanie: Now, one thing I do want to mention in this category, because I know a lot of people are taking this, a lot of people are taking melatonin. I’m not a fan except in a case of jet lag and traveling, because what you don’t want to do is take a hormone that’s going to stop your own body’s production or slow it down. It’s best to avoid melatonin for the most part. You definitely don’t want to take it all of the time, because then you’re going to stop making and producing more of your own.

I’m not a fan of melatonin, like I said, except in cases of jet lag and traveling. Stephanie: Those are my tips, guys. If you need our help, please let us know. Free consultation, we’ll help you out, why you aren’t sleeping and get you back in shape. Hope you like this video. Please subscribe if you haven’t already, and I will see you next time. Nighty night..

Read More: How to Get a Good Nights Sleep

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