Senior Wellbeing

Health and Well-Being Happens Outside of the Doctor’s Office

Doctors Office

Humana sponsored and POLITICO organized an event to take a deep-dive into primary care. Health doesn’t happen when the patient is in the doctor’s office. Health happens the 364 days outside of the doctor’s office If they’re socially isolated. If they have housing, instability, food instability, difficulties with transportation …, these factors all are highly correlated with the patient’s health outcomes and their health care costs.

We have very strong relationships in markets with community-based organizations to address social needs and we work together with the provider and with the patient to address those needs with the goal of helping those patients achieve a better trajectory of health. We really look at the primary care doc as the quarterback …, the person that has a deep personal relationship with the patient, but also the person that has to navigate the many other parts of the healthcare system that touch the patient. About two-thirds of our patients are managed by providers who are in value-based arrangements with us. We’Re seeing better quality scores for patients that are in value-based arrangements.

Fewer visits to the emergency room, 14.6 % lower than in traditional Medicare, 27 %, lower admissions to the hospital, and overall about a 20 % reduction in total healthcare costs. There’S a tremendous amount of waste in the U.S. Healthcare system. Approximately 25 % of the dollars spent on healthcare in the U.S. are waste, And when you look at the evidence today about successful programs that address waste, they are consistently arising from value-based providers. The providers are more engaged than ever, Our value-based primary care physicians now are earning on average about 167 % of the standard Medicare fee-for-service fee schedule,

So they’re getting paid better for doing the right thing for their members … and are able to really dedicate themselves to produce better care, healthier patients and a Healthier population Value-based relationships, alignment between the payer and the provider-are leading to care transformation to new delivery models that are delivering better care at a lower cost…

As found on YouTube