FireFox Internet Show Notes

For more from Tatiana Schlossberg, check out her book, Inconspicuous Consumption: The Environmental Impact You Don’t Know You Have.
Have a read through Greenpeace’s Click Clean Report that Gary Cook discusses in this IRL episode.
You can find solar-powered Low Tech Magazine here (and, if the weather is bad, you can view the archive here).
As Pieter Van Midwoud notes, Ecosia uses the money it makes from your online searches to plant trees where they are needed most. Learn more about Ecosia, an alternative to Google Search.
Here’s more about Miles Traer, the geophysicist who calculated the carbon footprint of the IRL podcast.
And, if you’re interested in offsetting your personal carbon emissions overall, can help with that.
The sound of a data center in this episode is courtesy of artist Matt Parker. Download his music.
The Mozilla Manifesto Addendum Pledge for a Healthy Internet Read More
The open, global internet is the most powerful communication and collaboration resource we have ever seen. It embodies some of our deepest hopes for human progress. It enables new opportunities for learning, building a sense of shared humanity, and solving the pressing problems facing people everywhere.
Over the last decade we have seen this promise fulfilled in many ways. We have also seen the power of the internet used to magnify divisiveness, incite violence, promote hatred, and intentionally manipulate fact and reality. We have learned that we should more explicitly set out our aspirations for the human experience of the internet. We do so now.
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